Email Marketing: The Not So Outdated Practice

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Email Marketing with GetHits

Stay in Touch with Email Marketing

The purpose of an email marketing campaign is to keep existing clients up-to-date with the latest news or promotions; build or maintain relationships; gain potential new clients through advertising and informative content; advertise products and services, and increase brand awareness or build customer loyalty.

Despite new forms of digital marketing available, an email marketing strategy remains effective and popular among businesses.
Email marketing allows you to send a bulk commercial message to a group of people via email. This group either includes existing clients or new, potential customers. Bulk email offers great marketing solutions for any business. There is also no limitation to the number of email addresses you can send your message to.

How does email marketing work?

Bulk email is set up with templates and email address lists specifically created according to the requirements of a business. These templates and email addresses can also differ according to target markets. Using mass email advertising will help your business flourish in the competitive online marketplace because it’s a more traditional form of online marketing and communication.

What are the benefits of email marketing?

  • Reduced time and effort;
  • Personalised messages; and
  • More frequent communication.

Ready to get email marketing for your business or update your current campaign? Get in touch with us to find out more.

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